Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Lenten Reading Plan: John 1:29-51

Read John 1:29-51
(I am reading in The Message interpretation)

We begin and end with witnesses...

First, John testifies (witnesses) to his disciples that Jesus is "The One" - and that he (John) knows Jesus is The One because he saw "the Spirit like a dove flying down... making himself at home in him."

Several verses later, Jesus promises his disciples that before this is over they are going to see the angels with the Son of Man... the disciples will become "eye witnesses" to Jesus being The One.

I would call myself an eyewitness. I believe that I have seen Jesus... I have witnessed the Holy Spirit re-presenting the Risen Christ to me... I have seen Jesus at work through the Body of Christ... I too am an eye-witness!


Gracious Spirit, I am so thankful for the many eye-witnesses across the centuries who have continued to testify and bear witness to "The One" - and I am so grateful for the Spirit bearing witness to my spirit that Jesus loves me and calls me to follow. I pray the Spirit continues to find a home in me, and that I can share The One with others. Amen.

I SOAP-ed! Did you?


Brenda said...

As a relative "late bloomer" when my journey began, I feel a little like Nathanael when he said to Jesus "you don't know me". And I wonder when it was that Jesus first "saw" me and knew me. What was I doing? No fig trees in my life - I wonder when that moment was that he first noticed me. I remember what it was like when I first noticed him - in a word...awesome! "You haven't seen anything yet" - how true! Jesus continues to amaze!

Rev. Beth Gardner said...

Ah Brenda - love your comment... I bet we could find a fig tree somewhere back there... Hey, maybe with all your new landscaping you should plant a fig tree! Create space for some post-modern day Nathanaels...

And yes Jesus does continue to amaze! Thanks be to God!