Monday, March 21, 2011

Lenten Reading Plan: John 4:43-54

Read John 4:43-54
(I am reading in The Message interpretation)


Jesus sounds frustrated... back in his hometown, and feeling pushed again into "performing" a miracle. I thought the line: "Unless you people are dazzled by a miracle, you refuse to believe" was very telling.

Then it says the man believed "the bare words" of Jesus. He believed and headed home to his son.


I think Jesus still gets frustrated with folks - yes, even me - pushing for what we want, when we want it... wanting signs - proof - that Jesus is still alive and active among us.

In the face of some urgent need or the illness of a loved one I do plead urgently, asking for help or healing. I hear Jesus asking me to listen for him in those situations - listen for... rest in... the "bare words" of his response. Return to a peace-filled place in the midst of worry.

Thank you Jesus, that indeed you do hear our every prayer and longing. In the midst of anxious times - worries about loved ones, hurting and broken neighbors, warring countries, and so many needs in our world, help me to trust that you are still the Savior of the world - and I don't have to be. Amen.

I SOAP-ed! Did you?

1 comment:

Lynne said...

I'm sure Jesus gets frustrated with me. Sometimes I think he puts me on hold and makes me listen to music, testing my faith (and patience), when I run to him begging for a miracle. Sometimes I fail his faith test. He can perform miracles from a distance, all I have to do is believe in order to see! Awesome how one man's faith grew and grew and grew into the hearts of many.!