Saturday, October 5, 2013

Who told you about Jesus?

     This week we were asked to remember the people who were instrumental in leading us to Christ. Two people in my life who were unabashed in their witness were my grandmother, Clara Mills, and her neighbor, Helen Parker- "Parkey" to me. I remember singing "Jesus Loves Me" with Grandmother and Parkey. Parkey was a Baptist and had this sweet smile when she would talk about Jesus. She wrote poems about him which she read to me. Her husband Dr. Parker, who I called Dockey Parkey, was a dentist. He had a dental chair in his garage. I assume that Parkey stayed prayed up for both of them.
     There was a copy of Warner Sallman's "Head of Christ" in my grandmother's living room and a painting of the child Jesus in her bedroom. Grandmother prayed for me. She also quizzed me about whether I had attended Sunday School. At Christmas, Grandmother placed a little plastic creche on her mantle. It was well loved. Some of the camels' heads were broken off but you could still see Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus in the manger. Grandmother had Christmas candles- an angel choir. I still have the candles. They remind me of Grandmother, her love for Jesus and her love for me.
      Who told you about Jesus?


Brenda Burger said...

In 1996 I inexplicably found myself working at First United Methodist Church in Daytona Beach as their treasurer. Long story that really made no sense, as my family were not church-goers. I had never been to a worship service in my life, but yet, there I was working in a church. Go figure! There was a very nice woman who worked there as the very scary and imposing-sounding (to me) "Minister of Pastoral Care". As cliché as it sounds, "there was just something about her". She was different than anyone else I knew. We hit it off as friends pretty quickly, and, very long, long story short, she became the person who told me about Jesus. It was a time in my life I will never forget, and will be forever grateful for. She's a special person, indeed. Her name is Beth Gardner. Since then, I've been blessed to have had two other very special spiritual mentors on my journey. God was working in my life 17 years ago, very much to my surprise!

Katherine Burns said...

Brenda, thank you for sharing your story, and thank you Pastor Beth for sharing Jesus!

Rev. Beth Gardner said...

Thanks be to God, for God's indescribable gift!!

I heard about Jesus while a student at UF, attending worship at University United Methodist Church and involved in the Wesley Foundation there. So many people shaped and guided me at that time in my life. That student center celebrated it's 100th Anniversary this year - what a legacy they have! I am truly thankful to God for that place of learning and growing in faith, fellowship, worship, and service.