Monday, October 28, 2013

Popeye's Discontent

This week as we talk about our spiritual gifts, one of the topics is Divine Discontent. Bill Hybels of the Willow Creek Church wrote a book entitled Holy Discontent where he discussed the idea that our Holy discontent may lead us to our spiritual passion and our ministry. He quoted Popeye, who often got to a point of frustration, then action, where he would say, ”That’s all I can stands. I can’t stands no more!”
Bll Hybels posted a video about Holy discontent on his website This was a talk he gave at the Willow Creek Leadership Summit. It took awhile to load on my computer, but it is truly inspiring.


Lynne Evette said...

"God has prewired us to use our natural talents, personalities, gifts and passions to become a part of God's transformation of the world by the power of the Holy Spirit." These words describe spiritual gifts that I can use on an every day basis, but what about the gift of life? Does this qualify as a spiritual gift? While in SC, I visited my cousin, Josh-age 28, who is undergoing testing to see if he is a candidate for a heart/liver transplant. For him to live, he needs a gift of life. I cannot find the words to pray for this gift knowing that a mom, dad, son, daughter, sister, brother has to lose their life for this to happen. While a donor's gift is an act of charity and a selfless way of sharing God's love, the loss always hurts. Two people were cornea recipients from Bobby's death and knowing that he gave someone sight for the first time or gave someone a second chance to see again is heart-warming, and I believe an ultimate gift he left behind. While God doesn't give me a gift card to pick out my spiritual gifts, he does give me the tools and ability to develop them. Helping has been #1 in every spiritual gift assessment I take, and I love helping others. So I think being a donor is a way to re-gift the gift of life that God gave me. Maybe I will even hear, "His master replied, well done, good and faithful servant!" Matthew 25:23 NIV.

Brenda said...

I know you'll hear those words, Lynne. You have "helping" down to an art.

My co-workers husband is the recipient of a heart just a couple of years ago. Lots of emotions around the whole thing, and now they are very, very close friends with the donor family. It's an amazing gift of love. Will continue to keep Josh in prayer.

The video this week was very moving. Am definitely feeling some "holy discontent" these days about something new. Will have to wait on God's direction for it.....

Rev. Beth Gardner said...

Such poignant sharing, Lynne. LOVE the imagery of gift cards and re-gifting. And Brenda, you have left us wondering what is the "something new" and look forward to hearing about it.

I hope to watch the Hybels video - Kathy your posts have been really great! Thank you, again!

Blessings, y'all!