The surprise announcement happened in our church office with Rabbi Shapiro talking on speakerphone with former talkshow host Jenny Jones. Also present were members of Temple Beth Shalom: Aaron and Gladys Weiss, Clair Soriea; Gwen Barath, Carla Traister, and new coalition volunteer Lee Wilman.

The best part is that the original grant amount was $1000 - but during the course of the phone call Jenny Jones kept increasing the scope of the award to a GRAND TOTAL OF $3000. The largest single item purchase will be a new computer to be used for Coalition volunteer organizing, access for guests at the shelter to find job oppotunities or to connect with family, and publicity and communications. For more information on "Jenny's Heroes" and the grant presented to Rabbi Shapiro on behalf of the Cold-Weather Shelter Coalition go to: http://www.jennysheroes.com/heroes_20090116_merrills.shtml
What a treat to be part of a "WOW...GOD MOMENT." You can actually see a visable presence of the Lord in our church...the power of the Holy Spirit is Alive!
Lynne you are absolutely correct. The church has been expanding and shaking up the community in a good way for sometime now. Like when that lady came in when we were having soul cafe during the pumpkin patch time. She said that dispite not having pumpkins she wanted to donate because every year she comes and has a great time with her kids at the patch and at the pumpkin party. I think the expansion of the choir to include the children was a great idea. It is moving everytime they sing! God is good ALL the time
Lynne & Guesswho - I am glad you "Feel the SPirit" as I do... times like this it feels as if we are riding the wave of God's love in action. We have aligned ourselves with what God is doing in the world and things just flow.
I love it too when the children sing... maybe they can sing this Sunday! Hey, and didn't the Praise Band sound great before worship? Thanks Bob, Carla, and Jim!
I agree its feels like riding a wave. That would be great if they sang this sunday! The praise band always sounds good. Will this wave we are riding we can do many good things! I can't wait to see what else is in store!
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